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Everyone calls me Bek or Bekah for short. A decade ago I joined an outdoor bootcamp as an extremely overweight, stressed uni student, who lacked self-esteem and this is where my love for group fitness grew roots. The direction of my life took a turn and I have never stopped exploring my fascination with the human body since. I’ve had the honor of being involved in opening multiple BFT locations across the Australian coast, and it’s been some of the most rewarding years. To me, health is much more than what you eat & how frequently you exercise. It’s also about whom you surround yourself with and the community you immerse in. This is what I love most about BFT, you may walk in alone but you’ll leave with a support network. I’m beyond excited to have the opportunity to cross the seas and continue to share my BFT love with you all. It’s truly something special with the most elite programming and coaches who genuinely care.